Saturday, 31 January 2015


Den første gangen jeg besøkte Primark forstod jeg virkelig ikke hva alt oppstyret var om. Jeg fant butikkene for store og forvirrende, med mye rot og folk, og produkter med dårlig kvalitet. Men,
jeg endte likevel opp med å kjøpe noen billige strømpebukser, sokker og pysjer, siden det var såpass billig. Når vi da flyttet til Croydon og fant vår egen lille Primark rett ned i gaten, fikk jeg fort et mye bedre inntrykk. Den er fortsatt utrolig stor, men det er mye mindre overfylt og lettere å navigere seg gjennom, enn de megastore i Central. Selv om jeg ikke fant mye klær de første gangene jeg gikk der, endte jeg opp med å kjøpe en masse nødvendigheter og julegaver der, og noen få andre pene ting. I går, da jeg gikk inn for en rask tur til å kjøpe noen nye sokker, fant jeg faktisk ganske mange fine plagg. Salget var (nesten) borte, og vår og sommer kolleksjonene var overalt, noe som selvfølgelig fikk meg til å lengte enda mer til Qatar. Jeg endte opp med å finne to virkelig fine vårskjørt til turen, til og med med riktig lengde! Et pencil skirt (jeg elsker de sånn) og et hvitt midi (noe jeg har lengtet etter så lenge) for bare £22 sammen. Jeg kan ikke vente med å vise dem mer i fremtidige outfit-innlegg!

The first time I visited Primark I could really not understand what all the fuss was about. I found it too big and confusing, messy, crowded and a lot of the products "cheap-looking". But, I still ended up buying some cheap tights, socks and pjs, since it was, you know, cheap. But then when we moved to Croydon and found our own little Primark right down the street, I got a much better impression. It is still really big, but it is a lot less crowded and easier to navigate through, than the big ones in Central. Even though I did not find a lot of clothes the first times I went there, I ended up buying a lot of necessities and christmas gifts there, and a few pretty things. Yesterday, when I went in for a quick trip to buy some new socks, I actually found quite a few nice items. The sale was (almost) gone, and spring and summer collections were everywhere, making me long for Qatar even more. I ended up finding two really nice spring skirts for my trip, even with the right appropriate length! One pencil skirt (I do love my pencil skirts) and one white midi (I have been longing for that for so long) for only £22 together. I can not wait to share them in future outfit-posts!

Friday, 30 January 2015


Mens jeg kikket gjennom bildene på macen min, kom jeg ovenfor noen bilder som jeg og Georgina tok i South Kensington ifjor, som jeg aldri publiserte. Mens vi gikk rundt i South Kensington, tok vi noen bilder med de nydelige hvite husene. Når jeg ser på dem nå, er det virkelig rart å se meg som blond igjen, jeg må si at jeg virkelig ikke savner det. Etterveksten min ser forferdelig ut, og jeg liker meg så mye bedre som brunette.

While browsing throw the photos on my mac, I came across some old photos me and Georgina took in South Kensington last year, that I never posted. While walking around in South Kensington we took some photos with these amazing white houses. Looking at them, it is really strange to see me blonde again, I really can't say that I miss it. My roots look awful, and I am so more happy now that I am a brunette. 

Thursday, 29 January 2015


Litt lei av antrekksbilder på taket nå, men det er i hvert fall bedre enn ingenting. Jeg startet dagen i dag med å gjøre et intervju for en skoleoppgave i Central, og når jeg kom hjem igjen var været så utrolig fint! Jeg vekte derfor opp Simon og fikk han til å ta noen antrekksbilder av meg, i mitt hverdagslige klassiske antrekk.

Jeg ville kle meg litt fint/klassisk for intervjuet, og endte opp med å bruke den nye skjorten min fra Zara (elsker salg). Sammen med mitt favoritt accessory (Alexander McQueen sjal), lykkesmykke (Kate Spade, bursdagsgave fra ifjor), svarte jeans og cut out boots, ble antrekket enkelt, komfortablet og chict.

A bit tired of outfit shoots on the rooftop now, but at least it is better than no outfit shoots at all. I started the day doing an interview for my school assessment in Central, and when I got back home the weather was so great! I woke up Simon and made him take some outfit photos of me, of my casual smart outfit. 

I wanted to dress smart for my interview, and ended up wearing my new shirt from Zara (gotta love the sale). Paired with my favorite accessory (Alexander McQueen scarf), lucky necklace (Kate Spade birthday gift from last year), black jeans and cut out boots, the outfit was simple, comfortable and chic. 

Shirt: Zara
Scarf: Alexander McQueen
Jeans: Dr.Denim
Boots: Topshop

Location: Tennyson Apartments Rooftop Garden
Photography: Simon Greene

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Jeg har delt min elsk for frokoster før, og jeg kommer nok til å gjøre det igjen. The Breakfast Club var en av de første stedene jeg ville besøke når vi flyttet hit (jeg skrev om min første gang der her), og på søndag fikk jeg endelig tatt turen tilbake. Denne gangen ble det café/baren i Hoxton (etter London Bridge sist gang), som var akkurat like sjarmerende og fantastisk som den andre.

Det er noe med innredning, bakgrunnsmusikken, folkene og atmosfæren som gjør dette stedet så perfekt. Det er avslappende og åpent, fun og edgy, og i tillegg er det så mye fint å ta bilder av, for sånne som meg som tar inspirasjon i alt og alle (, jeg forelsket meg helt i rommet som er avbildet under). I tillegg til alt dette, er maten, selvfølgelig, helt fantastisk. Hvis jeg går tilbake dit for frokost (noe jeg håper å gjøre snart), gleder jeg meg virkelig til å prøve ut noen eggretter (eggerøre eller Benedicts kanskje?), men siden vi gikk der på ettermiddagen/kvelden, endte jeg opp med en skikkelig middag. Og med det, så mener jeg pannekaker med bær og vaniljekrem, samme rett som jeg hadde sist. Jeg hadde virkelig lyst til å prøve ut noe annet, jeg lover, men ohmy, det er jo så godt, hvordan kunne jeg motså? Jeg hadde sitt fram til disse pannekakene hele dagen (...ok, kanskje hele uken...), og sammen med en frisk Mojito istedenfor den ferskpressede appelsinjuicen, var det et perfekt måltid. Simon spilte noen sanger når "Open Mic" kvelden startet, og jeg løp rundt i lokalet i håp om å ta noen bilder, mens jeg sippet i meg Mojitoen min.

I have shared my love for breakfasts before, and I will probably do it again. The Breakfast Club was on of the first spots I wanted to visit after moving here (read about my first experience here), and on Sunday I finally got to go back. This time we went to the one in Hoxton, another one of their locations, which was just as charming and lovely as the London Bridge one. 

There is really something about the decor, background music, people and atmosphere that makes this such a perfect spot. It is relaxed and warm, fun and edgy, and the whole place is filled up with details to photograph and draw inspiration from (I fell completely in love with the room that is pictured on the first photo underneath). In addition, of course, the food is amazing. If I go back for breakfast (which I hope to do soon), I really want to try some of their eggs (scrambled or Benedict maybe?), but as we arrived for the dinner service, I ended up eating a proper dinner; Pancakes with Berries and Vanilla Cream. Yes, the same dish I ordered last time. But, ohmy, it is so amazing, how could I not? I had been looking forward to the pancakes the whole day (...who am I kidding, I had lusted them for weeks), and together with a fresh Mojito replacing the fresh Orange Juice, it was the perfect meal. 
Simon also played a few songs as the "Open Mic" started, which gave me the chance to run around the location, taking photos and sipping Mojitos. 

What: The Breakfast Club
Where: 5 Different Locations, we went to the one with Hoxton 
Price:  £££££   (£25 for our breakfast (2 pancake dishes and a orange juice pitcher),  £7-10 for most of the breakfast dishes)

* Instamoment: * 
Follow me @anitafosen for more Instagram updates

Sunday, 25 January 2015


Søndager er (i mitt tilfelle) for å slappe av, vaske, jobbe og drømme meg litt bort. Derfor starter jeg et nytt ukentlig innlegg her på bloggen; "Sunday Dreaming". Med inspirasjon fra en ting jeg drømmer om/ har drømt om den siste uken, skal jeg dele litt bilder og tanker. Og for å starte det hele opp, ønsker jeg å ta noen minutter til å snakke om London Fashion Week.

Det er nå mindre enn en måned til London Fashion Week er på, og jeg er så utrolig spent! Jeg har brukt så mange år hjemme i Norge til å drømme om å delta på de store moteukene, og endelig er det min tur til å være en del av det. Heldigvis har jeg også min fantastiske bloggervenn Georgina her, så jeg slipper å gå alene. Vi skal delta på noen moteshow, middager og fester, og jeg ser virkelig frem til det hele. Jeg har begynt å bestille et par plagg online, og planlegge antrekkene mine nøye, og jeg prøver også å få så mye skolearbeid gjort som mulig, så jeg har uken / helgen helt fri. Når det kommer til antrekk, tenker jeg (som alltid) at komfort er det viktigste, og jeg vil ha på meg komfortable, klassiske antrekk, som lett kan bli forvandlet fra dag til natt. Som jeg nevnte, har jeg allerede bestilt meg noen plagg hjem, og jeg skal skrive litt mer om antrekk til LFW når det nærmer seg.

Sundays (in my case) are for relaxing, cleaning, working and dreaming a bit. That is why I am starting with a new weekly post here on my blog; "Sunday Dreaming". Featuring inspiration from one thing that I am dreaming about/ have been dreaming about this week. And to start it all up, I want to take a few minutes to talk about London Fashion Week. 

It is now less than a month until London Fashion Week is on, and I am so incredibly excited! I have spent so many years back home in Norway, dreaming about attending the big fashion weeks for so many years now, and finally it is my turn to be a part of it. Luckily, I also have my amazing blogger friend Georgina here, so I won't have to go alone. We will be attending some fashion shows, dinners and parties, and I am really looking forward to all of it. I have started ordering a few pieces online, planning my outfits carefully, and I am also trying to get as much school work done as possible, so I have the week/ weekend completely off. Outfit-vise, I am thinking that (as always) comfort is key, and I will be wearing comfortable, classy outfits, that can easily be transformed from day to night outfits. Like I said, I have already ordered some pieces, and I will do a post on more outfit-planning later, a bit closer to the start of LFW. 
(photos by Pinterest, follow me here)

Friday, 23 January 2015


Jeg har enda ikke postet noe jeg har skrevet i forhold til skolearbeid/ annet journalistikkarbeid jeg har gjort i det hele tatt. Men, sist lørdag gjorde jeg og Georgina et intervju med SOLSINE, et nytt up-and-coming production duo, og vi har derretter skrevet en profil sammen, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne poste den, for alle interesserte!

I have not yet posted anything that I have written for school/ anything that I have worked on as a journalist at all. But, last Saturday me and Georgina interviewed SOLSINE, a new up-and-coming producing group, and we have together written a small profile on them, so I thought I would post it here, for anyone interested!


Ben Johnson and Raphael Zak is the duo behind Solsine, a new up-and-coming producing group with an extensive musical range. Performing together with several vocalists and a rapper, the project has quickly become a group of people who have all “networked together”, as vocalist Nadine describes it. “All of us have a really lively, vivacious and upbeat personality. It is like being apart of a family.”

Their musical style ranges from drum & bass to house. Ben shares that “as producers it gets boring if you make the same style all the time” and that he himself gets bored with sticking to “one specific thing.’’ Solsine’s performances display a collabration of all their genre styles, but  Raphael explains that his favourite to play drum and bass because its ‘‘so high energy.’’

Solsine has been compared to English electronic bands such as Chase & Status and Rudimental, which they see as a huge honour. Ben believes that the reason they get compared to them, is that their sound is “quite mixed up”. He explains that “Chase & Status is across the board, and Rudimental can be different styles.’’

With all of the members growing up with different musical backgrounds, their sound gives a collected charactarazation of the groups personalities. Each of the members have worked in the music industry for different periods of time and several of them grew up in musical families. Solsines rapper, Santego, grew up with a dad that used to DJ when he was younger, and he was “constantly surrounded by hip-hop since [he was] taken out of the hospital.’’ Vocalist Nadine also grew up in a musical “loud and upbeat family,’’ and she plays the piano, violin and guitar, in addition to singing. She giggles that “one of my first memories is singing into a washing machine drum.’’

Ben and Raphael have also been making music for numerous years.  At least for 15 years has Ben 
been making music, “back before mac’s existed.’’ Looking into the techinal side of producing Raphael explains that they now “rely soley on Mac’s”, in addition to using their constantly phones.

“The amount of phone recordings I have just humming”, Raphael explains, and then adds that his very first phone recordings of him ‘humming’, now are nearly finished tracks. Technology has also made it easier for the producing-duo in the sense that it is not necessary with a big studio anymore. As Rapheal explains, the music, ideas and production ‘‘really is alive.’’

Since starting their project mid 2014, Solsine has already played numerous live shows around the London area, in addition to playing at the “Ibiza Rocks Bar”, a place where they would love to go back. As a mutual feeling towards all contributers to Solsine they feel the shows are just getting better and better. Being surrounded by the Solsine team, it is very clear to idenfity the close community they have founded. Nadine expresses how they all ‘‘conspired to get together, there was one magnet in the middle and we all just...’’ *claps*.

Only being in the first weeks of January, a lot has happened already for Solsine. Live shows in Camden and Hackney were this years first, continuing with their Circle EP Launch Party at the Social, the 17th of January. Following their launch, they will have a small Circle EP Tour in the London area.

Looking even further into their future, Raphael says they have a lot of unfinished songs, that they need to get down to completing. “Ben and I are currently sitting on 50 tracks that we need to finish, a lot of them we need to get vocals but we’ve got ideas for them or in their first stages.’’ In addition, there is more talk of a new album during 2015, as vocalist Nadine and rapper Santego ellude to while giggling, unsure if they should share with us the exciting future plans.

Over the course of the few hours we spent there, the little basement bar at The Social went from crowded to completely packed. When the subtle men and sparkly dressed women of Solsine entered the stage, the crowd roared in excitement. As the show went on, the crowd enjoyed their drinks and light danced over peoples faces, all the way to the end.

Before the show, Ben told us that “we tend to play our drum and bass towards the end [of the shows], because it leaves on a high,’’ which seems to be well recieved at yet another show tonight. The crowd dancing, screaming and jumping, it looks like yet another successful gig for Solsine.

Being a big group of people working together, or “a family” as they all describe themselves, they all work with projects of their own on the side. Collectively they have a lot of achievements, such as writing a song for Rudimentals latest album, supporting Laura Mvula and Ella Eyre on tour, and currently being one of the contestants on “The Voice.’’

We expect to see the name ‘Solsine,’ in many more places, and as Nadine shares ‘‘We are gathering momentum. It’s that ball of moss idea, of a rolling stone going down a hill. It’s really weird as one thing starts to happen, we just keep picking up and picking up.’’

Check out Solsine’s Instagram: @SOLSINE

Written, Reviewed and Edited by both myself and Georgina Walker from Notes La Mode

Saturday, 17 January 2015


Vi gikk ut på Roehampton i går, og i dag skal vi ut i central, så til det blir det noen timer i sengen, med serier og mat. Jeg har dermed ikke så mye å dele i dag, men jeg ville bare nevne til dere at jeg hadde et lite intervju med herlige CityStyleLife for hennes "Blogger Spotlight", så hvis du vil lese litt mer om meg og bloggen min kan du gjøre det her! Ha en super helg videre x

We went out at Roehampton last night, and later today we are going out in central, but until then I will just stay in my bed, watching some series and eat some food. I really don't have much to share with you today, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I was interviewed by the lovely lady from CityStyleLife for her "Blogger Spotlight", so if you want to get to know me a bit better, check that out here! Have a great weekend everyone x

"This young lady is 19 and lives in London (oh man I totally wanna go one day le sigh…). Anita’s blog will capture from the minute it loads with it’s simple and clean layout and magnificent photographs of various things she blogs about. Some days fashion and some days she talks about her life independent of certain things that may have been a block for her growth as the wonderful woman she’s growing into.I was so very happy when Anita took the time out to answer questions about her blog. It’s a new favorite of mine for sure and has been bookmarked for future posts. So take some time and get to know this wonderful young lady." - read the rest here.

Thursday, 15 January 2015


Jeg har lenge vurdert å skrive et innlegg om journalistikk studiet / alle fagene mine, men jeg vet egentlig ikke om noen er interessert, eller om det er noe spesielt dere ønsker å vite? Så jeg tenkte jeg skulle begynne med å skrive om en av mine fag, som på mange måter er det mest interessante; arabisk.

Når jeg skulle velge min "optional module", trykte jeg impulsivt på "arabisk", for 20 ekstra studiepoeng. Mens nesten alle vennene mine valgte et annet "språk", "shorthand", bestemte jeg meg for å prøve ut noe jeg lenge har ønsket. Mens jeg bodde i Qatar fristet alltid tanken om å lære arabisk meg, men jeg kom liksom aldri rundt til det. Når jeg kom tilbake til Norge, hadde ikke akkurat skolene mine slike språk å tilby, så etter en stund glemte jeg det litt ut. Men da jeg så det brede utvalget av språkene som tilbys på Roehampton, tenkte jeg at jeg bare måtte dra nytte av det!

Jeg antar at det å lære et nytt språk aldri er lett i begynnelsen, i hvert fall var ikke det tilfelle for meg. For min første time kjente jeg ikke noen andre som hadde valgt arabisk, og jeg visste egentlig ikke vet hva jeg kunne forvente meg. Jeg var fortsatt blond da, og når jeg gikk inn i klasserommet følte jeg at jeg ikke hørte hjemme der i det hele tatt. Min klasse besto nesten bare av arabere, som enten kunne alfabetet eller språket litt allerede. Og der kom jeg, som følte meg stolt over at jeg kunne noen få fraser som "velkommen"... Så ja, de første ukene var litt vanskelige, det å lære et nytt språk med et helt nytt alfabet og en ny måte å skrive.

Men det som er utrolig gøy, er at det bare tok noen få uker, og så begynte jeg faktisk å forstå mer og mer. Plutselig kunne jeg lese hele avsnitt på arabisk (uten å forstå alt av det selvfølgelig, men likevel), og jeg hadde lært meg å skrive alle bokstavene (hver bokstav har fire ulike former). Jeg kunne presentere meg selv, og jeg tenkte på hvordan det ville være å komme tilbake til Qatar og å kunne snakke arabisk med folk der. Fordi, selvfølgelig, er det en av de store grunnene til at jeg valgte å ta arabisk. Landet som alltid ser ut til å ha noe å gjøre med valgene i livet mitt, landet som introduserte meg til arabisk språk og kultur. Jeg kan ikke vente med å komme tilbake der i påsken, og prøve ut ferdighetene mine. Akkurat nå, er den eneste ulempen med arabisk timene mine, at det får meg til savne Qatar så utrolig mye. أفتقدك قطر

I have considered writing a post about my journalism course/ all of my subjects, but I don't really know if anyone is interested, or if there is anything specific you would like to know? So, I thought I should start by writing about one of my subjects, which in many ways is the most interesting one; arabic

When choosing my optional module, I impulsively ticked for "arabic", as an extra 20 credits. While almost all of my friends chose to take another new "language", shorthand, I decided to try out something I had wanted for a long time. While living in Qatar, the thought of learning the arabic language always tempted me, but I never got around to it. Coming back to Norway, my schools didn't really offer other languages than german, french and spanish (how I wish I had been better in spanish!), so after a while I kind of forgot about it. But when I saw the wide selection of languages offered at Roehampton, I thought I just had to take advantage of it!

I guess learning a new language is never easy in the beginning, at least it was not the case for me. For my first class I did not know anyone else who had chosen arabic, and I did not really know what to expect. I was still blonde back then, and when I walked into the classroom I felt like I did not belong there at all. My class consisted almost only of arabs, who either knew the alphabet or the spoken language already. And there I came, who had previously felt good about myself because I knew how to say a few phrases like "welcome"... So yeah, the few weeks were a bit though, learning a new language with a new alphabet and a different way of writing. 

But the fun thing is, it took a few weeks and then I actually started to understand. I could read whole paragraphs in arabic (without understanding all of it of course, but anyway), and I knew how to write every letter (every letter has 4 different forms). I could introduce myself, and I imagined how it would be coming back to Qatar and being able to speak arabic with the people there. Because, of course, that is part of the reason why I take this course. The country that always seems to have something to do with my life choices, the country that introduced me to arabic language and culture. I really can't wait to go back for easter, and try out my skills. Right now, the only downside about my arabic lectures, is that it makes me miss Qatar so incredibly much. أفتقدك قطر

Sunday, 11 January 2015


Jeg får ofte spørsmål om hvilke sminke/skjønnhetsprodukter jeg bruker, og jeg finner det alltid like vanskelig å svare, fordi jeg har alltid elsket det å skifte og prøve ut forskjellige typer produkter. Jeg kan fortelle deg hva jeg har på meg akkurat i dag, eller på et spesifikt shoot, men fra dag til dag er det ikke alltid det samme jeg ender opp med. Jeg har en tendens til å plutselig forelske meg i et nytt produkt eller en ny stil, og så gjør jeg håret og sminken min slik til jeg finner noe nytt å forelske meg i. Andre dager ender jeg opp med å gjøre noe helt annerledes, det avhenger mye av humøret, antrekket og planene for dagen min. Men, over årene med å prøve ut nytt her og der, har jeg falt for noen produkter som alltid er med meg i sminkevesken, og som jeg bruker (i hvert fall nesten) hver eneste dag:

I often get asked what beauty products I use, and I always find it difficult to answer, because I have always loved changing and trying out different products. I could tell you what I am using today, or what I used at one specific shoot, but from day to day it is not always the same. When working at home, creating content for the blog or other sites such as, I might not wear any makeup at all. But when going out, I definitely do.

I tend to fall in love with a new product or a new style, and then I do my make-up and hair like that, until I find something new. Some days I also want to do something completely different, it really depends on my mood, clothes and plans for the day. But, over the years of trying out different products here and there, I have fallen in love with a selection of make-up products that can always be found in my make-up bag, and that I (at least almost) wear every single day:

(all the product titles are linked)

1. LANCOME - Liner Plume. Etter å ha slitt meg gjennom såre øyne etter H&M dipeyeliner for lenge (...jepp), øsnket jeg meg en skikkelig eyeliner til bursdagen min ifjor, og fikk denne av noen venninner. Grunnen til at jeg holdt ut med H&M sin så lenge er at jeg er såpass kresen på eyelinere, og jeg hadde ikke funnet noen penner som var like enkle og gode som den enda. I starten tok det litt tid å bli vandt til Lancome sin, men nå kunne jeg ikke levd uten den! Jeg bruker den nesten hver dag, og den er super enkel og god å jobbe med, anbefales virkelig!

1. LANCOME - Liner Plume. After being stuck with soar eyes from using my H&M liquid eyeliner for too long (...yep), I wished for a proper eyeliner for my birthday last year and got this from some friends. The reason why I had not changed my H&M eyeliner into something better yet, was that I am so picky when it comes to eyeliners. I know exactly how I want them, and the H&M one was the best I had found. In the beginning, it took some time to get used to my new Lancome eyeliner, but now I could not live without it! I use it almost every day, and it is so easy and good to work with, I really could not recommend this enough!

2. CLINIQUE - All About Shadow 8-Pan Palette. For bursdagen min ifjor ønsket jeg meg et nude øyenskygge palett, uten glitter. Dette var tydeligivis vanskelig og finne i butikkene ("ikke på moten"), men søsteren min fant dette fantastiske palettet fra Clinique til meg, med åtte øyenskygger i nude farger, med bare litt shimmer. Farge nummer to og tre er alltid på øyenelokkene mine, og ellers bruker jeg ofte (nesten) alle fargene når jeg skal ha mer fokus på øyenene mine. Palettet er også supert å mikse sammen med andre paletter (hvis du for eksempel vil ha mer farge/ glitter osv)

2. CLINIQUE - All About Shadow 8-Pan Palette. For my birthday last year, I wished for a nude eyeshadow palette, with no glitter. Apparently, it was difficult to find a completely matt one (no one wears that?), but my sister got me this amazing palette from Clinique, that has a selection of eight different shades with a bit of shimmer in them. Colour number two and three are always on my eyelid, and for days when I want to focus more on my eyes, I wear (almost) all of the colours, it gives such a nice look, and can also easily be mixed with other palettes  (if you would like for instance more colour/ glitter and so on). 

3. DIOR - DiorShow Maximizer. Greien min med å prøve ut nye produkter og å bytte ut hele tider, stemmer aller mest når det kommer til maskaraer. Bare noen få ganger har jeg kjøpt den samme maskaraen to ganger på rad, jeg kjøper nesten alltid en ny type når den gamle blir tom. Dette er ikke fordi jeg ikke har funnet noen jeg liker, men fordi jeg alltid har likt å prøve ut nye (det finnes jo så mange!) - og i tillegg så ser alt bra ut over min DiorShow Maximizer. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange år jeg har brukt denne nå - men det er mange! Jeg bruker aldri maskara uten å ta på denne først lenger! Jeg har naturlig ganske korte øvre vipper, men med maximizeren blir de så fyldige og lange som mulig. Hvis jeg skulle valgt ut ett favorittprodukt, måtte det bli denne!

3. DIOR - DiorShow Maximizer. The whole trying out new products and changing all the time, has always been the case when it comes to me and mascaras. Only on a few rare occasions have I bought the same mascara two times in a row, most often I always try out a new one when I run out of my old one. It is not because I haven't found any that I like, but because I have always enjoyed trying out different ones (there are so many!) - and in addition, they all look great over my DiorShow Maximizer. I don't know how many years I have used this now - but it is many! I never wear mascara without putting on this first anymore! I have natural short upper eyelashes, but the maximizer makes them fuller and the full length shows. If I had to choose one favourite make-up product, it would easily be this!

4. TOO FACED - Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzer. Dette er gjerne favoritten til mange av dere fra før av, eller dere har i det minste hørt om den, men jeg må bare nevne den uansett. Jeg var ganske treig med å endelig prøve denne bronzeren ut, etter å slitt meg gjennom alt for mange glitter-bronzere, men nå kan jeg ikke se for meg å bruke noe annet! Den er søt, den lukter godt, den har en fantastisk rik og god farge, og den er MATTE! Jeg er lei av å ha glitter i hele fjeset mitt, jeg vil se tan og ut - ikke sparkly! Jeg elsker denne til enten en rask glow/ tan, eller en god contouring job. 

4. TOO FACED - Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzer. This one might be a favourite to many of you, and I was even a bit slow before I finally got it, but I just have to mention it. I have tried so many different bronzers without finding the perfect one, but this is as close to perfection as I have gotten yet at least! It is cute, it smells nice, it has a great colour, and it is MATTE! I am so tired of looking like someone sprinkled glitter all over me, I want to look tan - not sparkly! I love this for either a quick tan all over or a great contouring job. 

5. MAC - Matte Lipstick "Please Me". MAC sine leppestifter, hvem har vel ikke en av dem i sminkebagen sin? Jeg har de siste årene brukt leppestift ca. hver dag, så selvfølgelig har jeg et lite utvalg av forskjellige typer, men den ene jeg alltid går tilbake til er MAC's Matte Leppestift i fargen "Please Me". For det første er den matt (du har kanskje lagt merke til min obsession med matt sminke til nå), og i tillegg har den den perfekte naturlige fargen - i hvert fall for mine lepper. Jeg kjøpte den først i 2011, og siden den har jeg brukt opp mange av den. For tiden har jeg alltid en i skolevesken min, og en i sminkebagen min, og det er alltid min "go-to"! 

5.MAC - Matte Lipstick "Please Me". Oh the MAC lipstick, who does not have one in their make-up bag? I have been wearing lipstick every single day for so many years now, so of course, I have a selection of different ones in my collection, but the one favourite that I always go back to is MAC's Matte Lipstick, in the colour "Please Me". First of all, it is matte (you might have noticed my obsession with matte make-up by now), and second of all, it is the perfect natural colour - at least for me. I first bought one in 2011, and since then I have used so many of them. I currently have one that is always in my school bag, and a second one that is always in my make-up bag, and it is always my "go-to"!

So...I am curious to know:
What are your make-up all-time favourites? Do you have any recommendations?

(and btw, please continue to tell me your favourite posts here, thanks! x)

Friday, 9 January 2015


Fullfører den nylige design-oppdateringen min med å bruke de siste kveldene på å endre sidene mine, spesielt "London Tips". Jeg har lagt merke til at dere leserene mine liker disse innleggene, og jeg elsker også å skrive dem, så jeg skal fortsette å poste så mange som mulig dette året også. Akkurat nå er det mest under "mat" og "steder", så jeg vil prøve å bli flinkere til å legge ut andre forskjellige innlegg i år. Hvis det er noe spesifikt som du vil lese/ ha informasjon om, ikke nøl med å legge igjen en kommentar/ send meg en mail. Imens, kan du sjekke ut den oppdaterte versjonen av mine London Tips her.

Finishing the recent design update of mine, I have spent the last night updating my pages, especially the "London Tips" one. I have noticed that my readers do enjoy these posts, and I also love to write them, so I will continue to write as many as possible this year as well. Right now there are most "food" and "places" posts, so I will try to get better at posting other different posts this year, please do not hesitate to tell me if there is anything specific you want me to write about! In the meantime, you can check out the updated version of my London Tips here.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


I det site har det blitt lite restaurant/ mat-innlegg, både fordi jeg har hatt mye mote-innlegg å dele, men og fordi jeg ikke har vært så mye ute å spist i det siste. Men, jeg vet (og ser fra pollen) at leserene mine liker London Tips/ London Food innleggene mine, og heldigvis for dere hadde jeg et innlegg som jeg hadde glemt helt ut til you guys. Faktisk, hadde jeg ... Five Guys:

Før vi reiste tilbake til Norge til jul, var jeg og Simon på Westfield en lørdag. Etter å ha gått rundt og kikket etter de siste julegavene og et nytt antrekk til julaften i noen timer, var vi begge veldig sultne og lengtet etter noe rask og enkel mat. Når vi så "Five Guys" restauranten, som vi begge hadde hørt om og sitt før uten å prøve den ut, måtte vi nesten gå dit. "Five Guys" som ligger i Central har som oftest en massiv kø utenfor, så jeg har aldri orket å gå dit, men her var køen overkommelig og vi bestemte oss for å joine.

realize I have not done any restaurant/food-posts in a while, and that is partly because I have had so much fashion posts to share, and also because I have not been eating out for a while. But, I know (and I have seen on the recent poll) that my readers like my London Tips/ London Food posts, and luckily I have one that I have completely forgotten to share with you guys! I actually have ... Five Guys:

Before going back to Norway for Christmas, me and Simon went to Westfield Shopping Centre one Saturday. After walking around looking for the last christmas gifts and a new party dress, we both got really hungry and craved something quick and easy. We then saw the "Five Guys" restaurant, that we had both heard of and seen before, but never tried out. The "Five Guys" in Central usually has a massive queue outside, so I have never bothered to go there, but here the queue was not too bad, so we decided to join it. 

Den amerikanske menyen er enkel; det er hamburgere, hot dogs go fries, i tillegg til et hav av gratis tilbehør. Vi ville begge ha cheese burgers, fries og cola, og bestilte dette fort før vi stilte oss i køen for å få maten, hvor vi fikk se på de deilige hamburgerene mens de ble laget:

The american menu is simple; there is hamburgers, hot dogs and fries, and loooots of free toppings. We both wanted cheese burgers, fries and a coke, and ordered it quickly before lining up looking at the deliciousness being made:

Etter den småhektiske og stressende køen, fikk vi maten vår nokså fort, og vi kunne endelig sette oss ned og spise. Som jeg har skrevet om før har jeg aldri vært noen fan av store fancy burgere som jeg ikke klarer å spise opp, jeg liker burgerene mine raske, enkle og delicious - akkurat slik de skal være. Og det er rett og slett det du får på "Five Guys". Pakket inn i aluminiumsfolie, oppi en papirpose og med litt pommes frites oppi en pappkopp, får du enkel og rask mat - som smaker fantastisk! Selv om Shake Shack fortsatt er favoritt burgerplassen min (dette kunne ikke helt leve opp til det), så er "Five Guys" et flott alternativ, og ganske lik på mange måter. Det er ekte, enkel og rask fast food, som selvfølgelig er budsjett vennlig! 

After the a bit stressful and hectic queue, we got our food pretty fast, and we could finally sit down and taste our food. As I have written before, I am not a fan of the big fancy burgers that I can never finish, I like my burgers quick, simple and delicious - as they should be. And that is exactly what you get at "Five Guys". Wrapped in aluminum foil, in a paper bag and with some fries in a paper cup, you get a simple and quick meal - that taste delicious! Even though Shake Shack will still forever be my favorite (this could not fully lead up to that), "Five Guys" is a great option, and quite similar. It is real, easy and quick fast food, and of course the price is budget friendly! 

What: Five Guys
Where: Westfield Shopping Centre (but also locations in Central, Kingston and so on)
Price:  £££££  (Around £25 for two burgers with chips and two cokes!)


De siste bildene fra shooten min med Anne Marthe Widvey fra når jeg var hjemme i Norge. Siden vi begge vet hva vi vil ha og hvordan vi skal gjøre det, er fotoshootene våre alltid raske og effektive - med fantastiske resultater. Denne gangen brukte vi rundt en time, på tre forskjellige antrekk. Disse bildene er favorittene mine (sparte det beste til slutt), med den nydelige paljettkjolen fra Topshop. 

The last photos from my shoot with Anne Marthe Widvey, while I was back in Norway. Since we both know what we want and how to do it, our shoots are always quick and efficient - with great results. This time we spent around one hour, shooting three different outfits. These photos are my favorites (saved them till last), with the gorgeous sequin dress from Topshop. 

Dress: Topshop
Location: Vangen, Haugesund
Photography and Editing: Anne Marthe Widvey
MUA: Anita Fosen