Jeg ville kle meg litt fint/klassisk for intervjuet, og endte opp med å bruke den nye skjorten min fra Zara (elsker salg). Sammen med mitt favoritt accessory (Alexander McQueen sjal), lykkesmykke (Kate Spade, bursdagsgave fra ifjor), svarte jeans og cut out boots, ble antrekket enkelt, komfortablet og chict.
A bit tired of outfit shoots on the rooftop now, but at least it is better than no outfit shoots at all. I started the day doing an interview for my school assessment in Central, and when I got back home the weather was so great! I woke up Simon and made him take some outfit photos of me, of my casual smart outfit.
I wanted to dress smart for my interview, and ended up wearing my new shirt from Zara (gotta love the sale). Paired with my favorite accessory (Alexander McQueen scarf), lucky necklace (Kate Spade birthday gift from last year), black jeans and cut out boots, the outfit was simple, comfortable and chic.
Shirt: Zara
Scarf: Alexander McQueen
Jeans: Dr.Denim
Boots: Topshop
Location: Tennyson Apartments Rooftop Garden
Photography: Simon Greene

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