Det er noe med innredning, bakgrunnsmusikken, folkene og atmosfæren som gjør dette stedet så perfekt. Det er avslappende og åpent, fun og edgy, og i tillegg er det så mye fint å ta bilder av, for sånne som meg som tar inspirasjon i alt og alle (, jeg forelsket meg helt i rommet som er avbildet under). I tillegg til alt dette, er maten, selvfølgelig, helt fantastisk. Hvis jeg går tilbake dit for frokost (noe jeg håper å gjøre snart), gleder jeg meg virkelig til å prøve ut noen eggretter (eggerøre eller Benedicts kanskje?), men siden vi gikk der på ettermiddagen/kvelden, endte jeg opp med en skikkelig middag. Og med det, så mener jeg pannekaker med bær og vaniljekrem, samme rett som jeg hadde sist. Jeg hadde virkelig lyst til å prøve ut noe annet, jeg lover, men ohmy, det er jo så godt, hvordan kunne jeg motså? Jeg hadde sitt fram til disse pannekakene hele dagen (...ok, kanskje hele uken...), og sammen med en frisk Mojito istedenfor den ferskpressede appelsinjuicen, var det et perfekt måltid. Simon spilte noen sanger når "Open Mic" kvelden startet, og jeg løp rundt i lokalet i håp om å ta noen bilder, mens jeg sippet i meg Mojitoen min.
I have shared my love for breakfasts before, and I will
There is really something about the decor, background music, people and atmosphere that makes this such a perfect spot. It is relaxed and warm, fun and edgy, and the whole place is filled up with details to photograph and draw inspiration from (I fell completely in love with the room that is pictured on the first photo underneath). In addition, of course, the food is amazing. If I go back for breakfast (which I hope to do soon), I really want to try some of their eggs (scrambled or Benedict maybe?), but as we arrived for the dinner service, I ended up eating a proper dinner; Pancakes with Berries and Vanilla Cream. Yes, the same dish I ordered last time. But, ohmy, it is so amazing, how could I not? I had been looking forward to the pancakes the whole day (...who am I kidding, I had lusted them for weeks), and together with a fresh Mojito replacing the fresh Orange Juice, it was the perfect meal.
Simon also played a few songs as the "Open Mic" started, which gave me the chance to run around the location, taking photos and sipping Mojitos.
What: The Breakfast Club
Where: 5 Different Locations, we went to the one with Hoxton
Price: £££££ (£25 for our breakfast (2 pancake dishes and a orange juice pitcher), £7-10 for most of the breakfast dishes)
* Instamoment: *
Follow me @anitafosen for more Instagram updates

Who can resist breakfast?! It's one of those meals you can eat anytime and enjoy it -- french toast for dinner? Why not! That place looks so fun. :)
ReplyDeleteI know, it is the best! xx