Thursday, 2 October 2014


Det er allerede oktober, og vi har bodd her over en måned. Den første måneden vår her i London har gått utrolig fort, og vi har opplevd mye gøy! Siden vi har vært såpass opptatt hele tiden og hatt det så fint, har jeg ikke fått kjent så mye på hjemlengselen enda. Men, nå de siste dagene har jeg gledet meg mer og mer til lørdag, for da kommer nemlig foreldrene mine på besøk til oss! Jeg gleder meg til å vise de leiligheten, byen og noen av de fantastiske stedene vi har vært til nå. Vi har besøkt og opplevd så mye i September, og jeg tenkte jeg skulle oppsummere litt i dette innlegget;

October is already here, and we have been living here for more than a month now. Our first month in London has gone by so fast, and we have been so lucky to experience so much fun! Since we have been busy and had a really tight schedule most of the month (packed with new experiences and people), I have not really had the time to feel home sick yet. But, the last few days I have been looking more and more forward to saturday, because on saturday my parents are coming to visit!! I can't wait to show them our apartment, and the city in general, with all the amazing places we've been visiting. We have visited and experienced so much in September, and I thought I would sum it up a bit in this post;

♥ We moved in the 1st of September, to our lovely apartment 
♥ I was lucky enough to be a part of Anne Marthe Widveys Photoworkshop here in London a few days after we moved here
 We took a day trip out to beautiful Brighton, and tried one of UK's top 3 burgerplaces
 We celebrated Simon's birthday on the 13th of September, and ate London's best pizza, at Franco Manca
 I finally got to see the amazing colorful streets of Notting Hill 
 After two weeks, I finally got to start school at Roehampton Uni, with an amazing freshers week the first week

Hopefully October will be just as great!


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