Friday, 27 February 2015


... or at least my blog is!

Det er kanskje litt for sent med "nytt år, ny blogg", men det er på en måte det som skjer nå. Jeg var aldri noen fan av når jeg var yngre, og bestemte meg derfor for å blogge på blogspot til nå. Det har vært utrolig greit, men jeg har stått veldig for meg selv, uten å være del av noe slags "blogg-samfunn". Når jeg da får muligheten til å være en del av de 80 norske bloggerne til femelle, noe jeg er veldig stolt over i forhold til hvor mange norske blogger det faktisk finnes, måtte jeg bare gripe sjangsen. Bloggen min har derfor byttet plattform til femelle (som igjen er under wordpress), men du finner den fortsatt under domenet mitt Bloggen min kommer selvfølgelig til å gå i det samme som før, men det er en del småendringer her og der. Alt er ikke helt på plass enda, men siden jeg har flyttet domenet over nå måtte jeg nesten bare flytte leserne mine over også. Designet har blitt litt nytt og renere (tusen takk til Rina som har hjelpt meg gjennom alt dette!), og bloggfokuset mitt er også litt endret. Jeg kommer nå til å ha tre hoved-temaer på bloggen, mote, reise og mat, og skal prøve å skrive best mulig om disse tre. Jeg skal fortsette å prøve å oppdatere så ofte som mulig, men jeg skal heller ikke presse meg selv til å oppdatere hvis jeg egentlig ikke har noe å skrive om/ noen bra bilder. Jeg tar selvfølgelig imot tilbakemeldinger fra dere om hva dere liker å lese om osv, så gjerne skriv en kommentar om det! 

(if you already do follow me, you will be redirected soon)

It might be a bit late for the whole "new year, new blog" and so on, but still this is what's happening now. I was never a huge fan of when I was younger, and therefore decided to move to blogspot until now. It has been really great and I am really happy with my blog, but I have sometimes been missing being a part of a "blogger-community". When I then got the chance to be one of 80 Norwegian bloggers to be a part of femelle, I just had to take it. My blog has therefore changed platform to femelle (where I blog using wordpress), but you can still find it through my domain My blog will of course be the same as before, with the exception of some small changes here and there. Not completely everything is ready yet either, but since I already moved my platform, I thought I had to move/ explain to my readers as well. My design has become a bit new and cleaner (and I really have to thank Rina for all her work there!), and my blog focus has also changed slightly. I will from now on have three main topics on my blog, Fashion, Travel and Food, and try to do my best writing about these. I will continue to update as often as possible, but I am not going to push myself to write something just because I have to update, when I don't really have text nor photos to share. I will of course appreciate your feedback on what you like to read and so on, so please leave me a comment on that!

(if you already do follow me, you will be redirected soon)

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Som en avslutning på London Fashion Week, var jeg og Georgina på et BloggersLove event i går. Temaet var "Gossip Girl" og vi hadde meldt oss på både middagen og gifting loungen som var etterpå, og gledet oss til en fin kveld ute. En del ting gikk dessverre ikke helt slik det skulle der, og twitter-feeden min er nå full av misfornøyde bloggere, som i mine øyne er utrolig bitchy, enkelt og greit. Det var flere ting jeg ikke var fornøyd med selv, det var for eksempel et veldig lite lokale med alt for mange folk, og "gourmet-middagen" vår ble endret til en take away pizza, men jeg synes fortsatt ikke det er greit å være frekk. Jeg har jobbet med/ for Bloggers Love før, og skrevet om organisasjonen flere ganger. Jeg kjenner godt eieren av det, Danielle, som gjør absolutt alt selv, og jeg synes synd på henne som nå leser så mye negative tilbakemeldinger. Jeg ville derfor prøve å skrive et litt mer positivt, men fortsatt helt ærlig, innlegg om kvelden ♥

As an ending to London Fashion Week, me and Georgina went to the BloggersLove event, where we had signed up for a "Gossip Girl"-themed dinner and gifting lounge. We were looking for a fun night out, but unfortunately a few things did not go exactly as planned there, and my twitter-feed is now showing so many negative bloggers, which I think is not cool at all. There were of course several things that I would have liked to be different about the evening as well, for example how the venue was too small for the massive amount of bloggers attending, and that the "gourmet dinner" was changed to a take away pizza last minute [there is a reasonable explanation for this - read further down], but I still don't like people being rude - especially when it is while hiding behind the screen of a computer. I have worked with and for Bloggers Love before, and I also know the founder of it, Danielle, who is the sweetest person ever and who does everything by herself, so I felt especially bad for her when I saw all of the comments on twitter and rude blogposts. Therefore I wanted to write a bit more of a positive, but still totally honest, post about the night, while clearing up some things

Georgina and I arrived at the venue around 5pm, after wandering up and down the street a few times, completely lost and unable to figure out google maps. When we went in, we were immediately met by a stunning venue, with white brick walls and a big open space. It seemed more than big enough at first, but then again we were not at all aware of how many people were actually coming for the gifting lounge at 6pm. The only thing I felt was missing when entering, was some relaxing background music to set the mood, and a place to leave our coats and bags. But, we didn't really mind much, and ended up just dumping our coats at a sofa there, before having a quick walk around the room, looking at the display of some of the brands showcasing there. 

The dinner was sadly a bit delayed, because of some mix up with the pizzas, but it didn't really feel like we waited for that long. The problem was rather that when we were done eating and went outside to the gifting lounge again it was completely packed with people, which made it almost impossible to move around and have a chat with the brands. But back to the dinner, which has been what a lot of people has complained about; I can't say that I was pleased with being served (cold) pizza from a take away box and water on the table, when I was promised a three-course meal and two drinks. To be honest? Yes, that was disappointing. It also made me feel really naive, when I actually still thought we were getting drinks. But, it turns out that was really not BloggersLove/ Danielle's fault, and that is why I feel so bad for her! The catering company she had originally ordered our food from "scammed" her in some way [read more on their twitter], so she had to quickly come up with a back up plan. That then became pizza, which of course I love and therefore didn't see too much of a problem with at first. The problem was though, that the money we payed for our meal [£28] had already been paid to the catering company, and they did not refund it. Danielle therefore had to use her own money (in addition to the £12 she had already spent for every original meal, since it was worth £40) to buy food to all of us. She did this no questions asked, no explanation given, because she is the kind of sweet person who don't need recognition. The only thing was though, that none of us knew that, and therefore we were a bit disappointed with the food we were given. Looking back now, I am really not anymore. 

When it comes to the gifting lounge, I heard that a lot of the bloggers felt that some of the companies there were "rude" and also did not care much about them, since they cared a lot more for the "celebrities" there. I don't think this should reflect badly on Bloggers Love themselves, as the brands who showcase there are independent from BloggersLove, and they do not really have much to do with each other. For next time, there could firstly maybe be some more brands (a lot of bloggers were expecting that) and they should also be aware of the situation of a gifting lounge - where bloggers except them to at least gift a few people. I am not saying that all of the brands were like that, I had lovely chats with so many of them, but there were a few who were almost ignoring and not really understanding of the situation. 

So, was it perfect? No, it was not, but it was still a good night, and a great effort made from BloggersLove. I think every company will have a bump in the road, and from here they can only build up stronger. Even though it was maybe not exactly what i expected, I did have a nice evening, and I also got to meet some great fellow bloggers. 

Monday, 23 February 2015


Dress: StyleMoi *
Earrings: Marc Jacobs
Location: Somerset House, London Fashion Week
Hair and Make Up: Anita Fosen

Disse bildene er så morsome å se tilbake på nå, fordi når vi tok dem var en rar og småklein opplevelse. Som bloggere på Fashion Week, vill jeg og Georgina selvfølgelig å ta noen outfit bilder, 
så vi endte derfor opp med å hive av oss kåpene våre, og posere foran denne vakre veggen på Somerset House. Rett etter at vi tok av jakkene våre og startet å ta bilder med de to kamerane våre, begynte fotografer som gikk rundt å bli interesserte, og stilte seg opp for å ta bilder av oss. Tidligere på dagen hadde bare noen få fotografer vist litt interesse for oss, men så fort vi stilte oss opp og ble tatt bilde av, joinet de. Ettersom veggen av fotografer foran oss vokste seg større og større, ble jeg og Georgina litt akward og fnisete, så bildene var ikke den beste noensinne, men de funker. Jeg har her på meg et annet fantastisk plagg jeg fikk fra StyleMoi, en vakker, enkel og klassisk hvit kjole, som kommer til å bli perfekt for våren og sommeren.

These photos are so funny to look back at, because shooting them was such a strange and awkward experience. As bloggers at Fashion Week, me and Georgina of course wanted to shoot some outfit photos, and we ended up taking of our coats and pose in front of this beautiful wall at Somerset House. The minute we took our coats of and started posing in front of our two cameras, the photographers walking around started taking notice, and joined in. Only a few photographers had taken any interest in us earlier in the day, but as soon as they saw someone taking our photo, they joined in. As the wall of photographers in front of us grew bigger and bigger, me and Georgina became a bit awkward and giggly, so the photos were not the greatest ever, but they do work. I am wearing another great item I got from StyleMoi, a beautiful, simple and classy white dress, which will be perfect for spring and summer. 

Sunday, 22 February 2015


Photography by me and Georgina/ Notes La Mode

Fredag var den første offisielle dagen av LFW, og vi hadde en full dag med mye gøy. Vi så tre fantastiske show, som jeg skal blogge mer om senere, og hadde noen gode pauser i mellom dem hvor vi nøt litt god mat, drikke og selskap. Vi startet dagen på Somerset House, hvor du kan føle den fantastiske atmosfæren av LFW øyeblikket du ankommer. Vi var omgitt av fashionistas, fotografer og bloggere, og alle viste frem sin personlige stil. En samling av et slikt mangfold i stil, og så mange "crazy" antrekk, er det ikke like lett å finne noe annet sted. Det er virkelig fantastisk og inspirerende å se på folk der, og jeg anbefaler alle å ta en tur selv hvis du har sjansen. Etter vår første utstilling og noen bilder, dro vi over til Covent Garden hvor vi brukte et par timer å slappe av før vår neste show. Vi stoppet på en av mine favorittsteder der, Jamie Olivers Union Jack, hvor vi først hadde noen forretter og glass vin til lunsj, og senere nøt en fantastisk middag med kjærestene våre på The Secret Basement Bar. Vi avsluttet kvelden med PPQ nachspiel på Mason House, hvor jeg endelig skiftet til bootsene jeg hadde bært rundt i vesken min hele dagen (LFW confessions), etter rundt en 12-timers dag i hæler.

Friday was the first official day of LFW, and we had a full day of fun. We saw three amazing shows, which I will blog more about later, and had some great breaks in-between them where we enjoyed some good food, drinks and company. We started the day of at Somerset House, where you can feel the amazing atmosphere of LFW the minute you step in. We were surrounded by fashionistas, photographers and bloggers, and everyone was showing of their personal style. A collection of such a diversity in style, and so many "crazy" outfits, will not be easier to find anywhere else. It is truly amazing and inspirational to have a look at the people there, and I do recommend everyone to have a look for yourself if you do have the chance. After our first show and some photos, we headed over to Covent Garden where we spent a few hours relaxing before our next shows. We popped by one of my favorite spots Jamie Oliver's Union Jack there, where we first had a few starters and some glasses of wine for lunch, and later enjoyed a wonderful dinner with our boyfriends at the Secret Basement Bar. We finished the night with the PPQ afterparty at Mason House, where I finally changed to the boots I had carried around in my bag (LFW confessions), after around a 12-hour day in heels.


Jumpsuit: StyleMoi *
Location: Bywater Street, Chelsea, London
Hair and Make Up: Anita Fosen

Når jeg blir spurt om moteråd og mine egne moteregler å leve etter, starter jeg alltid med min leveregel "comfort is key".  Jeg kler meg aldri i noe som jeg føler meg ubehagelig i, om det er på grunn av  stoffet, formen, cut, størrelse eller noe annet. Når jeg skulle planlegge antrekkene mine for Fashion Week, var dette spesielt viktig for meg, ettersom jobbing på Fashion Week betyr lange og utmattende dager, som ofte inneholder mye gåing og ståing. Når mine nye antrekk fra StyleMoi kom i postkassen min akkurat i tide for Fashion Week ble jeg så utrolig glad og lettet, og kunne lett planlegge hva jeg skulle ha på meg. Denne nydelige marineblå (en av mine all time favorittfarger) jumpsuiten med en løs passform og et belte rundt midjen, er det perfekt hele-dagen antrekk. Den er så enkel i seg selv, og kan enkelt dresses både opp og ned, noe jeg alltid liker med mine plagg. Jeg bestemte meg for å gå for et veldig enkelt antrekk uten noen store tilbehør, men å ta på meg de beige sandalene mine, som løfter hele antrekket litt. Dette antrekket var så enkelt, men likevel så behagelig å ha på hele dagen, og jeg kan ikke vente med å bruke denne jumpsuiten på forskjellige måter i fremtiden.

Whenever I am asked about fashion advice and my fashion rules to live by, I always start with "comfort is key". I never dress up in anything that I feel uncomfortable it, that being because of the fabric, shape, cut, size or anything else. When planning my outfits for Fashion Week, this was particularly important for me, as working at Fashion Weeks means long exhausting days, often involving a lot of walking and standing. When my new outfits from StyleMoi arrived in my mailbox just in time for Fashion Week, I was so happy, and quickly knew what to wear. This lovely navy-blue (one of my all time favorite colors) jump suit with a loose fit and a belt around the waist, is the perfect all day outfit. It can be dressed both up and down, and I decided to wear it as simple as possible with no big accessories, but to pair it with my beige sandals. This outfit was so simple, yet so comfortable, to wear all day, and I can't wait to use this jumpsuit in different ways more in the future. 

Saturday, 21 February 2015


For meg og Georgina startet London Fashion Week (20. - 24. Februar) allerede på torsdag, med en full dag tilbrakt på det fineste lokalet Chelsea Old Town Hall. The Catwalk Edit er et pre-LFW arrangement som går over hele dagen, hvor det vises frem 60 (!) forskjellige brands over 8 catwalks, en hver time. Siden det er såpass mange brands kommer jeg ikke til å lage et innlegg om hver av de (som jeg skal med fredagens catwalks), så her kommer heller et lite oppsumeringsinnlegg, med mange bilder fra hele dagen.

For me and Georgina London Fashion Week (20th - 24th of February) started already at Thursday, with a full day spent at the most beautiful venue at The Chelsea Old Town Hall. The Catwalk Edit is a full day LFW event, showcasing 60 (!) brands over 8 catwalks, one every hour. Since there were so many different brands doing the catwalks there, I will not do a post on each of them (like I will do with the Friday catwalks), so instead here is a long post with a bunch of photos, summarizing the whole day. 

Vi startet dagen ganske tidlig, og møttes for lunsj på Joe & The Juice hvor vi koste oss med litt fersk mat og drikke, mens vi ladet opp for en hel dag med catwalks. Mens vi satt der inne, kikket jeg ut og over gaten, og så noe som raskt fanget oppmerksomheten min. Som du kan se fra uttrykket mitt på bildet ovenfor, var jeg extremt glad da jeg innså at det var en hel blokk med fargerike hus rett over gaten, så vi måtte bare løpe over og ta noen bilder. Vi endte opp med å ta noen gate outfit bilder, selv om det begynte å regne tungt og det var ganske kaldt ute. Jeg kommer til å dele resten av disse, som viser hele antrekket mitt for dagen, senere denne helgen.

We started the day quite early, meeting up for lunch at Joe & The Juice where we enjoyed some fresh food and drinks, preparing for the day filled with fashion shows. While sitting inside the cute café, I looked across the street where something quickly caught my eye. As you can see from my expression on the photograph above, I was more than excited when I realized there was a whole block of colorful houses right across the street, so we just had to head over and take some photos. We ended up doing some street outfit photos, even though it started raining heavily and it was quite cold outside. I will share the rest of these photos, showing my whole outfit for the day, later this weekend. 

Når vi kom fram for The Catwalk Edit, etter litt forvirring om hvor vi skulle gå og hva som foregikk, gikk vi inn i hallen hvor catwalkene var, og satte oss ned for vår første catwalk. Hver time var det et nytt show, og hvert show viste frem en bestemt kategori/ stil, som "undertøy, badetøy, womens wear" osv. Bildene ovenfor viser bare en ekstremt liten prosentandel av alle de fantastiske klær og merkene vi så der, og noen detaljer fra den vakre arenaen i seg selv. De fleste av merkene fra catwalken hadde også små "stands" hvor de hadde noen av varene sine hengende, og personer fra merket tilgjengelie som du kunne snakke med. Dette var spesielt flott for bloggere som oss, siden vi da kunne ha en prat med dem om merket og kolleksjonene, og både få og gi business kort for videre arbeid i fremtiden. Det var dermed virkelig mye å se på i-mellom showene, men det var også veldig hyggelig å bare sitte ned, lytte til den gode musikken og vente på neste catwalk å skje. Selv om det var noen (store) forsinkelser og tekniske problemer, var showene virkelig flotte, og modellene var veldig flinke til å holde ansiktene deres. Modellene fikk en ny styling for (nesten) hvert show, og jeg ble virkelig forelsket i spesielt en av de siste showene, hvor de hadde myke enkle krøller sammen med det nydelige undertøyet de viste frem. Selv om showene noen ganger ga meg litt mer en følelse av S/S enn A/W, hovedsakelig på grunn av mengden av store mønster og fargerike badetøy, sportstøy og annet, hadde dagen mye godt å tilby, og det var utrolig å se så mange forskjellige merker i løpet av en kort dag.

When we arrived for The Catwalk Edit, after a bit of confusion about where to go and what was going on, we went into the hall where the catwalks where, and sat down for our first show. Every hour there was a new show, and every show showcased a specific category/ style, like "lingerie, swimwear, womenswear" and so on. The photos above only show a incredibly small percentage of all the amazing clothes and brands we saw there, and a few details from the beautiful venue itself. Most of the brands from the catwalks also had small "stands" where some of their items were hanging, and you could talk to someone from the brand. This was really great for bloggers like us, who could have a chat with the designers and give out and receive business cards for further work in the future. There was really a lot to look at in-between shows, but it was also really nice to just sit down, listen to the great music and wait for the next catwalk to happen. Even though there were some (major) delays and technical difficulties, the shows were truly great, and the models were really good at keeping their faces straight. The models got a new styling for (almost) every show, and I really fell in love with one of the last shows, where they had soft subtle curls paired with the beautiful lingerie they were wearing. Even though the shows sometimes gave me a bit more of a S/S vibe than A/W, mostly because of the amount of big printed and colorful swim wear, sports wear and other items, the day had a lot of good to offer, and it was amazing to see that many different brands on the course of one day.