Thursday 27 November 2014


I'm alive! Skolen er utrolig travel for tiden, og om en uke får vi besøk igjen, så jeg prøver å få gjort mest mulig disse ukene! I tillegg hadde jeg mitt siste fashion show for Bloggers Love Hub på mandag, og i morgen blir det trippel-date ice skating på Winter Wonderland. Travle uker og tidlig mørkt gjør at jeg ikke orker å blogge, men jeg har mange bilder og innlegg som ligger å venter, så bare vær tålmodige, for det kommer snart!

I'm alive! School is hectic at the moment, and in a week will get some visitors again, so I am trying to do as much as possible these weeks! In addition I had my last fashion show for Bloggers Love Hub this Monday, and tomorrow we are going triple-dating ice skating at Winter Wonderland. Busy weeks and early nights makes me tired and not wanting to blog, but I do have a lot of photos and posts waiting, so just be patient, they will come soon! 

And yeah, by the way, my hair is brown now. 

Follow me on instagram for more updates these days, @anitafosen 

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