En god vintage-butikk, med godt utvalg, bra priser og unike varer - er det ikke det vi alle vil finne? Jeg elsker å finne nye Vintage butikker å sjekke ut her i London, og sist søndag fant jeg en jeg likte veldig godt! "Rokit True Vintage" har blitt en Vintage kjede-butikk, med 4 butikker rundt i London + en nettbutikk. Jeg var på butikken i Camden, en sjarmerende og trang 2-etasjers butikk med mye fint. Jeg forelsket meg (selvfølgelig) i veskeveggen i enden av butikken, og det var her jeg fant meg den nye Coach vesken min. I tillegg til diverse designer-vesker hadde de mange fine sjal og skjerf, noen par sko, mye smykker og tilbehør, og mye stilige klær selvfølgelig. Denne butikken i Camden var ikke så veldig stor, men jeg har lyst til å besøke den de har i Covent Garden, hvor jeg tror de har et enda større utvalg! Jeg anbefaler dere å kikke rundt på veggene og hyller, for mye av det fineste de har bruker de og som utstilling, ikke gå glipp av dette - det er til salg! (Ps: på onsdager får du 20% studentrabatt både i butikk og online, 10% alle andre dager.)
A good vintage store, with great, cheap and unique products - isn't that what we all want to find? I love finding newVintage stores to check out here in London, and last sunday I found one I really liked! "Rokit True Vintage" has stores at 4 different locations around in London, and also an online store where you can have a look. I visited the store in Camden, a cute and quite small two story shop with a lot of great vintage products. I fell in love with the wall filled with bags in the end of the store, where I found my new Coach bag. In addition to a lot of pretty designer bags, they had some beautiful scarfs, jewelry, some shoes, and of course lots of clothes. The store I visited in Camden was not that big, but I really want to visit the location they have in Covent Garden soon, which looks a lot bigger. I really recommend that you take a good look around at the walls and shelves when you are there, since they used a lot of their best/prettiest products as decoration as well, don't miss out - you can buy it! (Ps: on wednesday you get 20% student discount both in store and online, every other day it's 10%)

"If you're looking for retro clothing that screams individualism and makes you stand out from the crowd, visit one of our fabulous boutique stores. We have four vintage shops in London in simple-to-find locations so getting your vintage fix is easy." - Rokit True Vintage
What: Rokit True Vintage
Where: Camden: 225 High Street (+ Covent Garden and Brick Lane)
Price: Varies from really cheap stuff to designer, but really good prices + student discount!
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