November is almost here, and I am really looking forward to my next month in London. November starts with my reading week, so I have a good week of for lots of school work, but also some relaxing and fun in the city. Next monday I will be doing a fashion show at the Bloggers Love Hub event, which will take place every monday in November. If you are a blogger in the London area I really recommend you to check it out and sign up for it! I will be modeling at 3 of the 4 events, and I am really looking forward to it. The event is at Mahiki, so I am really happy I'll be back there already. I am really excited for working with BloggersLove, a really great network who organize events in London. I am also chosen to be a VIB for them (Very Important Blogger), which gives me exclusive access to events, front row seats at fashion shows and so on. I really think the Bloggers Love Hub will be great, with a fashion show, bloggers café, makeover studio, complementary nail bar and so many good brands to network with and get products from! In addition to the Bloggers Love Hub, I will also attend another bloggers event in my reading week, a Bloggers Breakfast on Wednesday the 5th, with Georgina. I will hopefully also have time to work with Dale Weeks in November, a really talented photographer.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
November er rett rundt hjørnet, og det blir en måned med mye spennende, spesielt her på bloggen. Den første november-uken har jeg "Reading week", og skal ta meg tid til å jobbe mye med skolearbeid, men jeg har og en del tid til å slappe av og ta noen turer til Central. Neste mandag skal jeg være med på et fashion show på Bloggers Love Hub, som er et arrangement som kommer til å skje hver mandag i November. Jeg skal gå modell 3 av 4 kvelder, og jeg gleder meg virkelig til det, spesielt siden arrangementet er på Mahiki. Jeg er veldig glad for å jobbe med BloggersLove, et supert selskap som organiserer blogg/fashion-arrangementer i London. Jeg er også valgt ut til å være en VIB (Very Important Blogger) for BloggersLove , noe som gir meg eksklusiv adgang til events, front row seats til fashion shows, og mye annet gøy! Jeg er veldig glad for å jobbe med BloggersLove, og gleder meg til Bloggers Love Hub de kommende ukene, med fashion show, bloggers café, makeover studio og nail bar (for å nevne noe). I tillegg til Bloggers Love Hub skal jeg også være med på en Bloggers Breakfast neste uke, og forhåpentligvis har jeg også litt tid til å jobbe med Dale Weeks snart, en ekstremt flink fotograf! Mye spennende som skjer, og mye inspirasjon til blogging.
November is almost here, and I am really looking forward to my next month in London. November starts with my reading week, so I have a good week of for lots of school work, but also some relaxing and fun in the city. Next monday I will be doing a fashion show at the Bloggers Love Hub event, which will take place every monday in November. If you are a blogger in the London area I really recommend you to check it out and sign up for it! I will be modeling at 3 of the 4 events, and I am really looking forward to it. The event is at Mahiki, so I am really happy I'll be back there already. I am really excited for working with BloggersLove, a really great network who organize events in London. I am also chosen to be a VIB for them (Very Important Blogger), which gives me exclusive access to events, front row seats at fashion shows and so on. I really think the Bloggers Love Hub will be great, with a fashion show, bloggers café, makeover studio, complementary nail bar and so many good brands to network with and get products from! In addition to the Bloggers Love Hub, I will also attend another bloggers event in my reading week, a Bloggers Breakfast on Wednesday the 5th, with Georgina. I will hopefully also have time to work with Dale Weeks in November, a really talented photographer.
November is almost here, and I am really looking forward to my next month in London. November starts with my reading week, so I have a good week of for lots of school work, but also some relaxing and fun in the city. Next monday I will be doing a fashion show at the Bloggers Love Hub event, which will take place every monday in November. If you are a blogger in the London area I really recommend you to check it out and sign up for it! I will be modeling at 3 of the 4 events, and I am really looking forward to it. The event is at Mahiki, so I am really happy I'll be back there already. I am really excited for working with BloggersLove, a really great network who organize events in London. I am also chosen to be a VIB for them (Very Important Blogger), which gives me exclusive access to events, front row seats at fashion shows and so on. I really think the Bloggers Love Hub will be great, with a fashion show, bloggers café, makeover studio, complementary nail bar and so many good brands to network with and get products from! In addition to the Bloggers Love Hub, I will also attend another bloggers event in my reading week, a Bloggers Breakfast on Wednesday the 5th, with Georgina. I will hopefully also have time to work with Dale Weeks in November, a really talented photographer.
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