1. Meg før avreise på mandag 2. En sniktitt på hvordan det ser ut rundt skolen min 3. Brighton Pier 4. Tirsdagens brunch på Sainsbury's, til bare 5 pund!
I can't believe I've already lived in London for 7 days (!!!). This first week has been filled with a lot of shopping and fixing several things for our apartment, plus some stress and a lot of fun! We started with IKEA shopping on monday, and then TV, XBOX and food shopping on tuesday. After that we had most of the necessary stuff, and so we decided to take a "day off" and visit beautiful Brighton on thursday, and on friday we were in London, were I was doing a photo shoot.The reason why I have not blogged until now is simply that we don't have internet yet... But at least I have gotten my English SIMcard now, so I have 3G and of course a new phone number! I have a lot to write about and show you guys now; London tips, our apartment, Croydon, Brighton and so on, but I'll post that later. Until then you can look at these photos from my instagram (@anitafosen). <3
+ Følg meg på instagram (@anitafosen) for mye mer bilder og updates atm!
+ Følg meg på instagram (@anitafosen) for mye mer bilder og updates atm!
Hvilket abonoment har du på telefonen? Og pris på det?